Get to know me!


Here is a little bit about myself, my work and my vision.
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Hey there, I’m Jimmy and welcome to Allora! I was born, raised and spent most of my life in the California Bay Area. I have recently relocated to Austin, Texas and I am super excited to get to know and experience a new state and living in the South. I have been a photographer for over 10 years now and have done all kinds of work in that time. There are so many things to love about photography and I want to share the beauty I find in it with the world.

I like to think of myself as kind of a jack of all trades when it comes to taking photos. I am always wanting to experiment and try new things and in the process I am learning new ways to express myself in my work. I’ve worked in many different fields of photography. From portraits of families and couples, to product work and fashion, and even abstracts and nature. 

I love working across all kinds of fields but I find the most joy working with people and getting to know you through the camera lens. I feel so passionate about helping others in so many ways and I want to help you bring your goals, dreams and lifestyle to life. It brings me so much joy to be able to give others a voice by taking their photos and to help people express themselves as who they feel they truly are by doing what they love or just being unique. I want to help you feel beautiful and confident and to show the world who you are through photography and in all the ways you wish to do so. Lets adventure together and find the perfect ways to make your visions come to life. 
